Like you may have found out, a
BlackBerry phone
without access to BlackBerry services is a useless toy and a big waste
of money. So, you will do well to connect your BlackBerry phone or
simply look for a N5,000 phone. Various networks in Nigeria have
BlackBerry services,
from the well known BIS and BES services to cheaper stripped-down BB
services targeted for specific purpose like social media or messaging.
There is also a stripped down BIS plan called
BlackBerry Complete which comes at a cheaper price.
The major difference between BIS and BlackBerry Complete is that
complete comes with limitations. Although most of these limitations will
not be missed by an average BlackBerry user. BlackBerry Complete
features limited browsing unlike BIS, which usually comes with unlimited
internet browsing.
In addition,
BlackBerry Complete
supports only one third party internet email like GMail or Yahoo. So,
if you want to receive emails from more than one source on your phone,
go for BIS. However, you can also send and receive email using the
built-in BlackBerry Mail.
BlackBerry BIS Prices and Codes
BlackBerry Internet Solutions, BIS, are for single individuals who need
access to internet, social media, instant messaging, and email while on
the move. Small firms that do not have corporate email infrastructure,
but use ISP emails can also use BlackBerry internet Solution. This is
the best option for everyday people who want full BlackBerry access. In
Nigeria three types of BIS plans are common namely BIS Monthly, BIS
Weekly, BIS Daily. Most Networks offer unlimited internet access with
BlackBerry with a number of them stating an unspecified fair usage
BlackBerry BIS Monthly Price
These are 30-day bundles:
- Glo BlackBerry BIS Complete Month – N1,400 (Send COMONTH to 777)
- Airtel BlackBerry Complete – N1,400 (Send BCM to 440)
- MTN Blackberry BIS Complete Monthly - N1,500 (text BBC to 21600)
- Etisalat BlackBerry Complete – N1,500 (*499*3#)
- Glo BlackBerry Unlimited BIS Month – N2,800 (Send BISMONTH to 777)
- MTN Blackberry Unlimited BIS Monthly - N3,000 (text BIS to 21600)
- Airtel BlackBerry Unlimited BIS Month – N3,000 (Send BISMONTH to 440)
- Etisalat BlackBerry Unlimited BIS Monthly - N3,000 (dial *399*1#)
BlackBerry BIS Weekly
These are 7-day bundles:
- Glo BlackBerry BIS Complete Week – N400 (Send CoWEEK to 777)
- Airtel BlackBerry Complete – N400 (Send BCW to 440)
- Etisalat BlackBerry Complete – N500 (*499*3*1#)
- MTN Blackberry BIS Complete Weekly - N500 text BBCWEEK to 21600
- Glo BlackBerry BIS Week – N900 (Send BISWEEK to 777)
- MTN Blackberry BIS Weekly - N1,000 text BBWEEK to 21600
- Airtel BlackBerry BIS Week – N1,000 (Send BISWEEK to 440)
- Etisalat BlackBerry BIS Weekly - N1,000 (dial *399*6#)
BlackBerry BIS Daily Price
24 hours BlackBerry Access:
- Glo BlackBerry BIS Complete Day – N100 (Send CoDAY to 777)
- Etisalat BlackBerry Complete Daily - *299*3*2# - N100
- Airtel BlackBerry Complete Daily - Send BCD to 444 - N100
- Airtel BlackBerry BIS Day - (24 hours) – N200 (Send BISDAY to 440)
- Etisalat BlackBerry BIS Daily - N250 (dial *499*5#)
- Glo BlackBerry BIS Day – N300 (Send BISDAY to 777)
BlackBerry BES Prices and Codes
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution (BES) is targeted at companies,
especially those with corporate email infrastructure. If you want your
mobile workers to securely access corporate IT infrastructure and email,
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution is one of your options. It is a good
idea to contact the network for further information on infrastructure
required before using BES.
- Glo BlackBerry BES Month – N4,200 (Send BESMONTH to 777)
- Etisalat BES Monthly - N6,000
- Glo BES Week - N1,400 (Send BESWEEK to 777)
- Glo BES Day - N350 (Send BESDAY to 777)
BlackBerry Social plans Prices and Codes
BlackBerry Social is a striped down BIS that offers you access only to
social media and instant messaging services like Twitter, Facebook, and
BlackBerry Messanger. With BlackBerry Social, you can access limited
internet browsing. You cannot access internet based email services like
Yahoo & GMail only the built-in BlackBerry mail is supported. This
service is for people who just want to keep in touch with friends on
Social Media services like FaceBook and Twitter.
- Glo Blackberry Social Monthly - N1,200 (text SOMonth to 777)
- MTN Blackberry Social Monthly - N1,500 (text BBS to 21600)
- Airtel BlackBerry Social Month – N1,200 (*440*4#)
- Etisalat BlackBerry Social Monthly - N1,800 (dial *499*2#)
- Glo Blackberry Social Weekly - N400 (text SOWeek to 777)
- MTN BB Social Weekly - N450 (text BBSWEEK to 21600)
- Airtel BB Social Week – N500 (dial *440*5#)
- Etisalat BB Social Weekly - N500 (dial *499*2*1#)
- Glo Blackberry Social Daily - N100 (text SODay to 777)
- Airtel BlackBerry Social Daily – N500 (dial *440*6#)
- Etisalat BB Social Daily - N100 (dial *499*2*2#)
BlackBerry Messaging plans Prices and Codes
Networks in Nigeria now offer a stripped down BIS that is targeted at
users who only want email and instant messaging. The BlackBerry
Messaging Service enables you access email and instant messaging
services, but will not support web and Internet browsing or social media
services. So, if you just want to chat on IM services like BlackBerry
Messenger, Google Talk, etc as well as send and receive email, the
Messaging plan may be okay for you.
- MTN Blackberry Messaging Monthly, - N1,500 (text BBM to 21600)
- Airtel BlackBerry Messaging Month – N1,580 (dial *440*444#)
- Etisalat BlackBerry Messaging Monthly - N2,000 (dial *299*3#)
- MTN Blackberry Messaging Weekly, - N450 (text BBMWEEK to 21600)
- Airtel BB Messaging Week - (7 days) – N475 (*440*555#)
- Etisalat BB email & IM Weekly - N600 (*299*3*1#)
- Etisalat BB email & IM Daily - N150 (dial *299*3*2#)